

The Home page is the main page of the TAP2.x system. It displays useful links and tabs that will help you get to the information you need quickly as well as:

  • Display any important messages regarding your company's tuition benefit plan.
  • Display links to approved but unpaid applications.
  • Display links to applications that are pending review.
  • Display links to applications that require your review (if applicable).

Employee Profile

The Employee Profile page is where you can view how much or what the annual maximum Benefit Limit is or allowed by your company's tuition benefit program/plan as well as how much has been exhausted so far (please refer to your company's policy for details).

This page also allows you to change your password for this website and add or update your existing email address for notifications regarding your tuition benefits.

Email Maintenance

Your current Corporate and Personal Email addresses are displayed. You may change your personal email address at any time by entering the full address ( in the fields provided.

You cannot update your Corporate Email address from this website. To update your Corporate Email address, please refer to your company's tuition benefits program/plan policy documentation or contact your benefits department.

Note: Users who are responsible for approving applications will NOT be notified of approval requests through their Personal Email Address.

If available, the personal email address will be used by the system for all correspondence pertaining to your personal tuition benefits.

If no personal email address is available, your Corporate Email address will be used for all correspondence pertaining to your personal tuition benefits.

Password Maintenance

If no personal email address is available, your Corporate Email address will be used for all correspondence pertaining to your personal tuition benefits.

The new password is case sensitive and must meet the following security guidelines:

  • MUST be 8 to 14 characters in length
  • MUST contain a minimum of 1 upper-case letter (A - Z)
  • MUST contain a minimum of 1 lower-case letter (a - z)
  • MUST contain a minimum of 1 number (0 - 9)
  • MUST NOT contain any special characters, symbols or underscore marks (%, &, @, _, * )
  • Every 90 days the system will ask you to change your password (unless stated otherwise in your company's policy documentation or the Contact Center).
  • The system requires that 1 different passwords be created before a previous password can be used again.

Program Information

The Program Information page provides links to documents concerning your tuition benefit program/plan. It also displays links to the 'Search for Eligible Majors' & 'Search for Eligible Schools' utilities that can assist you in exploring degree options.

This page may also display contact information for other means of obtaining your company's tuition benefit program/plan information such as the Interactive Voice Response (IVR) toll-free telephone system, live-agent support or an internal tuition benefit program/plan contact.

If the information you are looking for is not provided on this page, please review your company's tuition benefits policy documentation or call our Contact Center at 1-800-850-5181 for additional information.

Submit Application

The first page will display a helpful checklist of items that will help you complete the application form in one session. This information may include:

  • The date of your graduation or final completion of all studies.
  • The course work Term Start and End Dates
  • The number and description of the course or program of study.
  • The number of credits associated with each course or program of study.
  • Tuition costs
  • The amount of financial aid received from other sources for the term.

When you select the 'Proceed' button, the application form page, 'Submit Application' will display.

The Submit Application page provides you with a one-page form for submitting an application.

Important note: The system may automatically log you out if a page remains idle for too long. Unfinished application data is not saved. If you leave the application form page before submitting a completed application for any reason, the data you entered will be permanently lost.


Use the down arrow button on the right side of the field to display the drop-down menu of Degree types available for selection. A single left mouse click will select the choice and populate the field.


Use the 'Major Search' button to open a new selection window. Type at least three letters of your Major in the field and select the Search button. Use the down arrow button on the right side of the field to display the drop-down menu of eligible Majors. A single left mouse click will select the choice and populate the field.

If the desired Major is not returned after scanning the list of available Majors, exit out of the window by selecting the 'x' in the upper right corner of the window and select the 'Major Search' button again to conduct another search or select the Program Information link from the main menu to verify eligibility using the 'Search for Eligible Majors' utility.


Use the 'School Search' button to open a new selection window. Use the down arrow button on the right side of the State field to display the drop-down menu of states. A single left mouse click will select the state and populate the field. Type at least three letters of the School Name as your search criteria and select the Search button. Use the down arrow button on the right side of the field to display the drop-down menu of schools available for selection. A single left mouse click will select the choice and populate the field.

If the desired School is not returned after scanning the list of available Schools, exit out of the window by selecting the 'x' in the upper right corner of the window and select the 'School Search' button again to conduct another search or select the Program Information link from the main menu to verify eligibility using the 'Search for Eligible Schools' utility.

Other Required Items

Based on your company's rules of your tuition benefit program/plan, other pieces of information may be required to process your application form. Please read your company's tuition benefits program/plan policy documentation carefully. Required additional items can include:

  • Degree Plan Documentation
  • Proof of Enrollment Documentation
  • Letters of Intent Documentation

Tuition Benefit Tax Questions

The taxability of employer-provided tuition/educational assistance is regulated by the Internal Revenue Service and reported to the participant's employer based on the answers given to the four standard tax questions on the application page.

For more information regarding the taxability of tuition/educational assistance benefits please reference your company's tuition benefit program/plan policy document, consult your tax advisor or go to the Internal Revenue Service website.

These questions must be answered separately for each course on each application. You select the answer with a single left mouse click on the appropriate radio button.

Required Approvals

If approval of your application is required, an 'Approver' field(s) will display on the application page. If application approval is required per your company's policy and the Approver field(s) is blank, you may or may not be able to update this information based on your company's specific tuition benefit program/plan rules.

If your company's tuition benefit program/plan process flow is that you must choose an Approver(s), select the displayed 'Select' button; this will launch a new selection window. Type at least three letters of your approver's name in the field and select the Search button. Use the down arrow button on the right side of the field to display the drop-down menu of choices. A single left mouse click will select the choice and populate the field. Repeat this step for each approver.

If your company's policy documentation suggests that your Approver(s) should always be displayed on the page when completing an application, please notify the Contact Center.

Once all required fields have been completed, select the 'Proceed' button to submit the application. Any errors will be displayed on the page and must be corrected before your application can be submitted successfully.

Agreement Statement

Please carefully read the agreement page and select the 'I Agree' button to complete the application submission process.

Confirmation Page

Once your application has been submitted a confirmation page will display. You may print this page for your records.

Important Note:The 16-Digit Tracking Number and website link listed on your application confirmation page should be retained for future tracking purposes. This unique number will allow you to track your application's status on the Track My Status web page at From that website, you can enter the 16-Digit Tracking Number in the space provided, select the box to agree to the Terms of Use, and select the 'Submit' button. The history of the associated application will then be displayed.

Request Payment / Application Status

The Request Payment / Application Status page provides you with a list of your applications along with their status summary. The most recent application will appear at the top of the list.

  • Selecting the 'Tracking #' link associated with an application will launch a new browser window directly linking you to the Track My Status website at Select the 'I Agree' button on the Track My Status website and the history of the application will be displayed.
  • Selecting the 'View Detail' icon associated with an application will display the application's current status and all of the details (correspondence, etc.) associated with that application.
  • Selecting an active 'Modify' link associated with an application will allow you to change your application's course line information (Course Numbers & Names, Credit values, Mode of Delivery, Tuition amounts, Course Fees & Books if applicable). Once you've made your changes, select the 'Submit' button and your application will follow the established application approval process described in your tuition benefit program/plan.
  • If you are requesting a reimbursement, please follow your company's guidelines regarding the submission of any required documentation.

Note: Modified applications will not be rejected for being late by the TAP2.x system. However, your Approver(s) (if applicable) reserves the right to 'Approve' or 'Reject' any modified applications.

Note: All paperwork must be submitted at one time. Piecemeal documents will be rejected.

Cancel Entire Application

This will mark the application as cancelled and you will not be able to request reimbursement. Use the Select All checkbox to select all courses and click on the CANCEL ENTIRE APPLICATION NOW button.

Permanently Drop ONE or MORE Courses

You can select one or more courses from the list to mark as Not Taken/Cancel. You should then press the PERMANENTLY DROP/DELETE ITEM(S) NOW button to be taken to the confirmation page. If a Course is dropped, you will not receive reimbursement for the cost(s) associated.

Manager Review

The Manager Review link will display for all users. If you are a designated approver, the page will display a list of applications requiring your review. If you are not a designated approver, no applications will be displayed when this link is selected.

For the displayed applications select the 'Detail' link to review the details of the application. Once satisfied, you may select the 'Approve', 'Reject' or 'Cancel' buttons at the bottom of the page.

  • The 'Approve' button will submit the application and the application will follow the established application approval process described in your tuition benefit program/plan.
  • The 'Reject' button will provide another screen where you can select up to three rejection reasons for the application. These reasons will be noted on the applicant's file and a rejection notification will be emailed to the employee.
  • The 'Cancel' button will return you to the summary list of applications needing approval without performing any action on the application.

Admin Tools

The Admin Tools link on the 'Home' page will only display if you have been setup as a designated Program Administrator.

The Application Search & Review link will access the Application Search & Review interface. Within this tool, you can search and view the details and status of any application submitted through the TAP2.x system.

As an Administrator, you can easily process employee's Appeal Requests with the ability to:

  • Review an employee's written appeal justification and documentation that substantiates the request (if applicable)
  • 'Override (Approve)' or 'Agree with the Rejection' for most Application Rejection reasons and/or Payment Request Rejection reasons
  • Create 'Notes' within an application that only can be viewed by you or other Administrators
  • Request the employee to contact you or the contact center to provide or to be given information

The Benefit Limit Adjustment Tool link will access the Benefit Limit Adjustment interface. Within this tool, you can reduce or increase the monetary amount of an employee's annual maximum.

The Welcome Page Tool link will access the Welcome Page interface. Within this tool you can post messages on the 'Home' page, within a specified date range, to one or all program types within your company's tuition benefit program/plan.

The Demographics Maintenance Interface link will access the Demographic Maintenance interface. Within this tool, you can view, change or add employee demographic information.

Education Discounts

Learn about the Preferred School Network

Learn about Textbooks

The Education Discounts link allows you to view and search for educational institutions that participate in providing tuition savings. The savings may allow for you to have more of your overall tuition covered by your company's tuition benefit program/plan.

Please consult your company's tuition benefit program/plan policy documentation for details surrounding this process.

Note: If the school selected on the application form page is participating in the Education Discounts, an indicator will display in acknowledgement on the application form page.